Κυριακή 7 Οκτωβρίου 2012


12/12/2012  TRADE CLOSED !!!After 3 months  my trade was finally closed . It was a smooth trade and very  well  behaved allthough it took more time that i was anticipating. Although that many believed that the main driver for yen weakening would be BOJ finally it was political .... Election were announced for  16 December and  Noda 's party lost . The new leader is a bold supparter of a further drastic QE

09/12/2012 UPDATE: I beleive that is making a bullish flag  which is indicating the continuation of the trend . I remain with my s/l at 81.50 and expect my t/p to be hit  at the begining of this week.

 01/12/2012 UPDATE:
 The pair is very close to my target . I decided to raise my s/l at 81.50!I believe that it should reach its target this week

18/11/2012 UPDATE:
Last week the pair tried to shook all the long players by giving them a fast down move. However as  i have said in my last update the pair close the week indicating that  the bull trend is not over . Indeed this was confirmed this week during which the pair has exploded and broke the 80.50 resistance due to main political developments .Next stop now  81.10 and then  84!! Below are my thoughts as events were unfolded last week

On 14/11/2012 - PM Noda has proposed  election if the opposition party  agrees to vote for the reforms .  This gave a boost to the pair  which startedrising and made a daily move  of allmost 100pips!!! It appears that a wave 3 starts which will shoot the currency above 83!None the less there is the  80.50 resistance still looming

15/11/2012 -  Finally the pair has taken the 80.50 resistance clearing the way  for 83 level . Although it has been driven by mainly  local events and political comments referering to prospective elections  it should be
noted that there is  risk aversion mode on the markets after Israel  kills Hamas military leader.

So here  we are at the end of this week and the pair has closed  at 81.29. Nonetheless it hasnt stopped to makes me wondering why this move has been initiated now? Many say that the fact that Japan is going to elections and the party which will probable win is a strong believer of more quantitative easing is one reason. Others say that is the political instability that makes people to sell the currency . If that is the case then why  is the Nikkei rising so strong?In the other hand we have  important geopolitical events in the middle east with Israel attacking hamas and killing their leader  which may  unfold to a big war in the area which is something that would be very bad for the global  stockmarkets. It is known so far that risk on mentality in the markets is positively corelated with the USDJPY pair (when markets rise so does the pair).

Overall, even though technically the rise has been excpected by me i still cant understand the fundamentals behind it(why now?) and i am troubled as to how far more the pair could climb in the near future .Of course, for the long term  i have been  very bear  for this pair and it has been also one of my two strategic trades that i have initiated in the beginning of the year (in addition to the trade i ahave also place a month a go which is more shorterm)

 11/11/2012 UPDATE:
The USDJPY has a bad week due to risk aversion and the fall in equities.My trade is still active and even though the pair had a fall all the uptrend boundaries are intact and also the JPY crosses seems to hold. At the end of October  we had the BOJ announcing the QE measures for supporting the economy. Many tried to speculate on the currency, days before that the QE announcement would be much higher than excpected and this probable had serious effect on the early rise of the pair.
However , after the announcement the pair fall .Nonetheless, the fact that is still holding is also the rise in US treasury yields. This makes me to come to the conclusion that the main factor which moves this pair is US bond yileds and this should be taken under great account.

04/11/2012 UPDATE:
Since the beginning of October USDJPY has been rising slowly but steady . Many believed that this was due  to an increase in the amount of QE by the Bank of Japan. However,  when BOJ announce the amount which did not exceed  the amount which was expected the pair  fall sharply  almost breaking the bull trend. This was exactly what happened in Septemeber with all the bulls get trapped and the currency making new short term low and cancelling the bullish bias . However this time  the fall was contained and from the following day the pair has been on the rise again .This is a very good signal for my trade since it shows that the bulls are still in control and the drive of the rise this time is  something much stronger than pure speculation on the BOJ monetary easing. Maybe it has something to do with the rise in the yields in the american treasuries. This pair has a strong correlation with the US treasury yiled but i always thought that monetary easing would have a much more devastating effect on the currency . It appears that this is not the case  and its a good subject for investigation

16/10/2012 UPDATE:  My order has been activated .  I raise my s/l to  77.50

 I believe that the pair is getting ready for a breakout. I will enter a buy stop at 78.95 with s/l  77.00 and t/p 83 valid is good till cancel

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