Κυριακή 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2012


My trade idea for this week is to go long eurjpy @ the opening of the market and add if falls to100.20.My first t/p would be  102.10 and then 103 probably. Although the pair is in a strong downtrend my wave analysis shows an upward momentum  which i will try to take advantage . This is a medium risk trade and not a big stake shoul be used so i will enter with two  10.000k contracts.

At the moment i am long eurchf,eurusd, and eurjpy. Due to some technical reasong i had to close all the position in audusd and got stopped out from the gbpusd. The outcome of those tow pairs i will consider it a square (since i gain from the aud but lost from the gbp) and not include them in my profit calculations

Overal looking at my portfolio i see that i am long euro which under the circumstances and the news i read every day it doesnt make sense . However that is what my technicl analysis and systems tell me to do so i do it without asking question . I am very curious for  the outcome, lets see......

Updated 12/02/2012 : Both trades reached profit targets and closed during the week.Total profit 432 pips

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