Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2012


Last week SNB announced the FX reserves as well as CPI data. Reserves have been slightly reduced indicating that SNB has not made any dramatically intervention. CPI data were also indicating that Swiss economy is in a bad shape and the country is facing deflation. 

The pair behaved as it should rise slightly amid expectations that time for the SNB to intervene drastically. Also Jordan (SNB) gave two interviews during the week indicating that SNB is active 24/7 in the markets and will not allow peg to be tested. In addition he said that they have additional measures to intervene and weaken the Swiss currency if is needed. This makes me think that they may announce at some point negative real rates!

So far I am convinced that SNB is on top of the situation and my trade is not in danger. However, they will face the ultimate test this week with all these things that happens in Greece.

Overall, I stick with my initial trade and make no other changes for this position

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